Alberto Radelat (died 1985) was an American tourist who was murdered by Rafael Caro Quintero.
Radelat visited the Mexican city of Guadalajara with his friend, John Clay Walker to help with the latter's novel. One night, the pair went into a seafood restaurant owned by Caro Quintero's friend Cochiloco late at night to jot down a scene of the story which takes place at that restaurant. There, they are suspected of working for the DEA by Cochiloco and Cuco. Caro Quintero, who was high on cocaine at that moment, decides to have them murdered. Radelat is shot dead by Caro Quintero, while Walker manages to take down one of the assilants before being hit with a chair, and was taken away, where he was tortured to death with an ice pick.
Alberto Radelat was a dentistry student. On January 30, 1985; he walks into one of Caro Quintero's private parties along with Walker, and the duo got killed brutally. They both were interrogated with ice picks. Walker dies on the scene after taking down several enemies, while Radelat survived the ordeal and was buried alive. Their bodies were recovered six months later.