“ | The first rule of interrogation: keep the subject in the dark. Make him think you already know everything. But I can see you know nothing. Well, here's what I know. That you kidnapped a federal policeman in public. You drove to this location without detours. A total driving time of 14 minutes. So, I know that I'm very close to where I was taken. I know, that you left witnesses alive. Witnesses who heard you speaking English. Witnesses who will talk. More importantly, I know you lack the will for what you're doing. You couldn't kill even at the risk of your own lives. And now, you expect me to be afraid of you? So, let me tell you what is going to happen. It is 7:00 a.m. My people will soon turn this entire city upside down looking for me. You cannot move me until dark. I believe they will get here long before then. And when they do, I won't have told you a thing. You don't have me. I have you.
„ |
― Sergio taunting Walt Breslin |
Verdin received training from the CIA, and used his knowledge on torturing DEA agent Enrique Camarena Salazar for information, resulting in the latter's death. After the disbandment of the DFS, he was transferred to CISEN. On January 8, 1986, he was abducted by the DEA. Sergio resisted torture, but was forced to give up the name of Ruben Zuno Arce when he was shot in the abdomen by Danilo Garza. The DEA agents left him outside a hospital, but Verdin succumbed to his injuries.